2 Questions You Should Ask Yourself to Determine if You Are Ready for Assisted Living


As you get older you might be thinking that an assisted living center is looking more and more like an option. Many people are worried about going to a facility at the right time. It can be hard to know if it is too early, and you don't want to wait until it is too late. More commonly, people wait too long and endanger themselves. Here are some questions you should be asking yourself to see if you are ready for an assisted living center.

Have You Been Neglecting Your Diet?

Living on your own can be challenging. One of the first things to go may be the diet. You may lose motivation or the ability to cook. You may notice that you are only eating one meal a day, or even that you are just eating frozen meals all the time and avoiding eating foods that are healthy. In the beginning, it may be just that it is too much work to make meals and grocery shop, but as time goes on you might start to not notice that things are going bad, that you forget about food that should be put in the refrigerator, and so much more.

One of the main reasons that people go to an assisted living is because they know that they need better food. When you live in a facility you will get good meals served three times a day and food when you need it. All of the pressure of cooking, shopping for and preparing food will no longer be your responsibility.

Have You Been Neglecting Your Hygiene?

Another important question to ask is if you have been taking care of your personal hygiene. As you get older you might notice that it is harder and harder to dress yourself and bathe. In fact, many people start to avoid changing their clothing because it is too hard to get in and out of pants, and take on and off their shirt and under clothing. So they sleep in their clothing, or stay in their pajamas throughout the day.

There is no reason for you to be struggling to get ready and bathe. There are people who can come to your house to help you, or ideally, you can go to a facility where you will have around the clock assistance whenever you need it.

If you can answer yes to either of these questions, it might be time for you to go to an assisted living facility. 


3 October 2017

Nursing Homes, Assisted Living, and the World of Elder Care

When your parents, grandparents, or other loved ones need a bit of extra help, you want to ensure that they are getting the best care possible. That means you need to help them pick out the right nursing home or assisted living facility. On top of that, you need to understand other elements of elder care such as living wills, healthcare directives, power of attorneys, and related elements. This blog takes you through all of it. Just as your parents probably referred to a book once in a while to get tips on how to care for you when you were a baby, you may need some tips and guidance to take care of them. This blog is designed to fill that role.