You may not realize this, but there are actually different types of nursing homes. The bedridden and infirm are often permanent residents in a full-assist nursing facility, where you may have multiple skill levels when it comes to the nursing staff. Skilled nursing homes, on the other hand, have staff that are not only fully trained and fully licensed, but they are also highly experienced. Here are three benefits of choosing a skilled nursing home over the others after you have had hip surgery.
Most of the Nursing Staff Are Registered and/or Licensed
In a skilled nursing home, there are very few nursing assistants or orderlies. Everyone is usually a registered nurse (RN) or a licensed practical nurse (LPN). In place of doctors, there may be licensed nursing physicians or physicians' assistants. Everyone works together to provide optimal care for patients recovering from surgery and emergency medical procedures.
Physical Therapy Is Conducted in-House
Here, the physical therapists come to you. You do not go to them. There is a separate wing of the nursing home where PT is conducted, which means you never have to suffer excess pain by getting into a transport vehicle and going to several appointments elsewhere every week. Instead, you get into your wheelchair and wheel down to the physical therapy room.
The Staff Meets with You and Your Spouse or Adult Caregiver to Discuss Progress
Clearly, you want to go home as soon as possible after hip surgery. This type of nursing facility is meant to be a transitional "home" until you are able to move around some on your own. The staff attempts to hold regular meetings with you and your spouse or adult caregiver to discuss your progress, what you need to do next, and what has to happen before you can go home and continue to get better. Everyone works as a team to help you heal and regain your mobility.
The Staff Help Assess Your Home Situation
The staff can help assess your home situation to make sure all of the necessary physical and emotional supports are present. It is also important that you have clear paths through which to walk, practice walking, and safety with your ADLs (activities of daily living, e.g., bathing, dressing, etc.). If your home is not equipped well enough to handle your ongoing needs, the staff can help by offering products that can be installed to help you.
Share15 September 2017
When your parents, grandparents, or other loved ones need a bit of extra help, you want to ensure that they are getting the best care possible. That means you need to help them pick out the right nursing home or assisted living facility. On top of that, you need to understand other elements of elder care such as living wills, healthcare directives, power of attorneys, and related elements. This blog takes you through all of it. Just as your parents probably referred to a book once in a while to get tips on how to care for you when you were a baby, you may need some tips and guidance to take care of them. This blog is designed to fill that role.